Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Picture Perfect

Meow and woof today. Let´s meet Tina and Saga from Sweden on the blog. A self portrait they have taken (!)together(!) beautiful paintings alike postmodern  with instagram. Feel free to read the story behind on Tina´s blog, she is a wonderful story teller, and meet her adorable pets Saga and Elsa. 

Congrats to your wonderful picture, Tina!

Might be Saga sees it different and she likes to found a group Against Human Strange Ideas Sometimes together with my ingwer cat Sweet Saint Paul. Even together with Elsa when I think of some of her more pouting pics. Life would be less funny without them sweeties.

 Tina and Saga

Dame Elsa 



Anita Johnson said...

I just looked at all your posts with the label "cats"...what great photos you have added!

Amina O. und ^^ Paul the Cat said...

Internet is wonderful sometimes, so many cats doing so many nice things to photograph and luckily people let us see it too. This one here is from Tina from Sweden, I found your blog through developing hers and I´m very glad about both :)) Thanks a lot being here now and then and for your kind comments.