Monday, June 25, 2012

Monday special: First day of a new life

Rudolfo, Rudolfo! What a story of life! From Chicago street dog to a new life in good old Germany, you oldie goldie adventurer with your eleven years! Happy birthday, Rudi, for your new life with your new sweet family. We are all, oh, so happy! To put it straight, we are all as stupid lucky :o))). 

"All my bags are packed.

I´m ready to go.

I´m standin´ here outside your door
and bring you all my .

.. Rosie doggie heart."

We are so glad about that very happy ending.
THANK YOU to everybody however involved in supporting us to find a loving for-ever home for Rudi.
THANK YOU especially to Rudí´s new family for giving him all their love.
Thanx to somebody very special in heaven whom we know now very, very lucky, too. And thanx to a beloved furry companion, Fredy. Renate and Fredy, we hope we made it good :) 

Let´s celebrate celebraeaeaytion .. !!! We wish you soo many lucky years together! Only one little thing left to mention: Keep us up to date! HAPPY NEW BIRTHDAY, RUDI! Extend our hugs to your new family. Let your light shine for them.

The slightly crazy groupie-girlie Rudi-Fanclub,
Renate, Rosie, Birgit, Silja, Diana, Simone, Donna, Yvonne, Gerlinde, Amina


We love all people who love animals, too.
And with all our heart and voluntary work we are going on to make a real good life to come true for all the ones who are still suffering humans inhumane behavior.

If you like to support our voluntary work you can surely help us. Your donation makes us happy via secure PayPal to grenzenlose-hundehilfe / Sans frontieres e.V. whats a registered organization in Germany that supports two animal shelters in Colmar and Ebersheim (Alsace) in France because they need our help. 

Thank you so much for all your generosity and support.

And visit your local animal Welfare and offer your help, they will be lucky, too.

Amina and Rudi


Anita Johnson said...

What a wonderful story! Our little dog Bugsy is from a shelter too.

Yvonne said...

Only one day left !!! We're chuffed to bits with our new family member ;o)

Amina O. und ^^ Paul the Cat said...

Both, Anita and Yvonne, so much joy we have with that boy! Anita you made a wonderful post about Buster again, Yvonne, you are now the luckiest Rudi-owner, we wish you all the happiness you can hold.