Thursday, July 5, 2012

Many before you

All knowledge is old. There is no new knowledge. All the things you do and create are inspired by the ones and the world before and around you - surely Einstein or cultures different from ours would add some more dimensions. 
When something comes to your brain it doesn´t mean, that it is the only brain in the world that explores or invents it. Or that where you see it first it was originally created. It is only the way our brain is doing its work. 
I experienced that people are at their best when they meet in reciprocity and commutation. It´s a sad truth that there is often somebody who acts abusive with leftover monster brains of human´s past. I´m really sorry for that! They call it anthropology and it will take some million years more to transform. So, a mosquito has bitten but not eaten you. The best you can do is forget about it and go on.

Learn how you want to handle your creativity. Sometimes it´s about to protect your daisies and sometimes it´s about being generously or even wasteful. If you don´t claim ownership you can change the world. I know like you, we are not living in a perfect world. Everyone needs to see how he copes. Keep in mind that it is a complex idea. Be aware. And be open.

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