Monday, July 9, 2012

Home at last / Rudi´s first home story

I says hello to all the sweet followers of my story. I´m doing very fine todays. My heart is full of joy. Being totally loved. Looking younger than evver! I go with my gal and boy to work every day. All their co-workers lovve me too since they know my story - and my charm! Wishing for every animal and every pet that they could have such a sweet home like mine. 
Yours Rudi, sending the best regards to all species and the humans. 
Adopt a pet, please, if you can.

images Rudi´s family


Anita Johnson said...

What a happy looking pup! Glad he found a home!

Amina O. und ^^ Paul the Cat said...

Thank you Anita, we are all so lucky.